Miki’s song: ‘Different’

Miki (Micaela) is a happy young girl with Down Syndrome (and global developmental delay), who is full of life and loves music, as well as all forms of physical activity: swimming, dancing, outdoor pursuits, trampolining, horse-riding and so forth.
She is very sociable and expressive, but is currently still non-verbal. She is very loving and affectionate, adores our family and is very close to her older sister Julia with whom she has a very strong bond.
This song was written to give Miki and children like her, who are ‘different’ a voice, and express what they would say if they were verbal. The purpose of this song is to raise awareness of Down Syndrome and other ‘different abilities’, whilst also raising money for Miki’s special school and other small charities and charitable projects, which do not have a ‘voice’ and as such struggle to be heard.
The main reason behind ‘awareness raising’ for Down Syndrome in particular, is because it is the only ‘disability’, which can be aborted at birth and it also appears to be the most discriminated against, in terms of both therapies and treatments. Children with DS are people just like us, (just with an extra chromosome 21 – ‘the happy chromosome’), and as such, should have the same rights we have:
the right to additional therapies if needed
to a full education and most importantly, a future!!!
Raising Money for Children

Beaucroft Foundation School
This is the school that Miki currently attends – the main scope here is enable funding to enhance the existing vital therapies such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and music therapy, which gets through to all children of all ages and abilities, whether non-verbal or otherwise
21 & Co
A small parent run DS charity, based in Surrey which has been a great support to Miki and her family, when we lived in that area (pre- and post-natal support and additional speech therapy particularly).
Downright Perfect
A small parent run DS charity based in Dorset, which has helped fund additional therapies for Miki, and one which relies on local and community support.

Shades of Different is officially registered as a charity incorporated organisation (charity no: 1198481). We aim to raise funds to provide vital therapies and promote better inclusion for differently able children, initially in Dorset and hopefully spreading to other parts of the UK in the future. Please donate as little or as much as you can, knowing that this will really make a difference to these children who really deserve it and can help to make our world a better place.
Images of Our Journey

Rolling pictures – from left to right: Miki in between mum Erika and sister Julia / Miki playing the drums at Absolute Music (with Julia) / Erika & Kay on ‘recording day’ at Erika’s home / Miki and Erika / Kay, Erika, Angela (Erika’s mum), Jamie King (recording artist), Michelle (fellow supporter and friend) / Kay, Erika, Sam Harvell (videographer), Michelle, Angela / Music and lyrics: Julian and Erika (have been good friends for years, have kept in touch and met up again for the first time in 16 years recently!!!)
Preview ‘Different’

The first version below is the original recording, of which the music arrangement was written and recorded by Julian Saxl and Bendik Engebretsen, lyrics by Erika Petrie and chords / harmonies by Kay Caulkin-Jones – the final recording was then produced by Jamie King (Absolute Music). The violin plays a key part in this track and as such makes it more ‘folk’.
The second version below is the pop / disco version, as remixed by Jamie King, to appeal to a wider audience (lyrics and music as above).
Just below this second version you will find the link to the video which involves Miki and some of the children from the charities mentioned.
Different - Pop Version
Donate Now!
As of 31st March 2022, Shades of Different is now officially registered as a charity incorporated organisation (charity no: 1198481). We aim to raise funds to provide vital therapies and promote better inclusion for differently able children, initially in Dorset and hopefully spreading to other parts of the UK in the future. Please donate as little or as much as you can, knowing that this will really make a difference to these children who really deserve it and can help to make our world a better place.
Thank you