Nick Stella, an eighteen year old with Down Syndrome who wins people’s hearts (by Aurelio Stella)

Written by Guest Writer

September 7, 2020

Nicola Alessandro Stella was born on June 2, 2002. He lives in the U.S.; in the beautiful state of Michigan. He recently celebrated his 18th birthday and is now enrolled in a post high school program run by the school district.

Nick’s greatest accomplishment is his ability to fill the hearts, of those who meet him, with Love. In his first week of life, the nurses could not get enough of his perpetual smile. As Nick grew into a toddler, his easy disposition, shy demeanor and awesome dance moves caused those around him to gravitate to him. He spent his summers in camp where his unconditional love and joy became so infectious, that his picture was used for a main article about the camp in a local newspaper.

As Nick grew, he sought an interest in several sports, where he continued to bring joy and love to those around him.

At soccer

At basketball

And baseball

In high school, Nick discovered a love of music. You can always find him with his headphones, singing, dancing and spreading joy.

One of Nick’s happiest days was the day he met a Tribute Artist to one of Nick’s favorite artists, Michael Jackson.

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Today, Nick continues to spread joy and love to everyone he meets.

They say that some people were placed on this earth for a reason. Nick’s reason is to force people to cast aside their judgment; their opinions and their politics and love unconditionally.

If even for a moment.

Nick’s recent graduation


  1. Gracie Corona

    Absolutely beautiful! What a burst of sunshine is this precious young man is ?

    • Erika Petrie

      Yes he is a true ray of sunshine just like his dad who has allowed him all these precious opportunities. It is really special to be able to see how he has evolved through the pictures too, even reaching graduation. He is helping prove once again how capable and loving Down Syndrome children are.

  2. The Stella Family

    Thank you, Erika, for allowing us to tell Nick’s story and allowing us to spread the joy and love that is our amazing kids!

    • Erika Petrie

      It is for me to thank you Aurelio for being so willing to share your son’s story and everything you do for him as a single dad. You should be immensely proud not just of him but of everything you do for him as his sole parent. I feel very privileged to know you and to be able to share your story too.

  3. Sue


    • Erika Petrie

      Indeed. Thank you Sue, bless you.


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