My dreams and aspirations by Samantha Samways

Written by Guest Writer

October 6, 2020

All About Me!

My name is Samantha Samways.
I am 16 years old.
I have been a dancer since I was 4 years old.
I have been in a lot of shows – one every year.
My favourite type of dance is Ballet and Tap.
Some of my favourite sports are: gymnastics, trampoline and swimming.
I’ve been to four different schools.
Now I’m going to Post 16 in September.
Some of my clubs I go to are Remix, Project My Time, Awesome Nights, Arts & Sports and Youth Club at school.

Things That I Would Like To Do In The Future!

My dream job is to be a Dancer on stage: I’d like to dance in Swan Lake and The Nutcracker.
I would love to be an author and write books for young children to read.
When I am older, I would like to live in a home with a friend, but I would also love to live near Mum.
I would love to help others and get their shopping. Of course I would love to do my own shopping.
When I get my own place, I would decorate in a style I want.
Of course, I would visit my Mum every day if I could.
We would go shopping and do our nails, go to the hairdressers, and me, Mum, Dad and my friend would go for a lovely meal some nights.

In Cardiff, I went to a studio and saw Sherlock Holmes, and I met my favourite person in the movie. His name is Benedict Cumberbatch, he is the loveliest man I have met in the whole world. I met the make-up artist; she showed me what to do. I love doing make-up too.

Samantha excelling at gymnastics

Samantha embracing ballet from an early age

Samantha performing in her ‘Remix’ group


  1. Erika Petrie

    I think it is absolutely phenomenal that at such a young age Samantha is able to write so beautifully and already have such clear ideas as to her dreams and aspirations for the future. Not only that but with her smile, positive attitude, thriving at her hobbies, hard work and willingness to succeed she is already well on her way to getting there… I wholeheartedly applaud you Samantha. Wouldn’t you agree she deserves to be commended?

    • Samantha

      Thank you very much for the lovely comments – Samantha.


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