What’s your super power? by Kate Mackenzie

Written by Guest Writer

May 3, 2022

What’s your Super Power? 

I always say my son has been through more in his three short years than I have in my whole life, and yet he’s taught me more about life and myself in those three short years than I would have ever discovered on my own. When we initially found out that Alfie would have Down Syndrome, our world stopped. His post-birth diagnosis, mixed with hormones, fear, and mostly lack of knowledge, left me unsure about how our future together would look. I thought I would have to leave my job, move house, my eldest son would become a child carer and I would become isolated from society. Quite the contrary, I still have the same job, live in the same house and my eldest son has the coolest little brother ever and I couldn’t be further from isolated! We can’t even get round the supermarket without Alfie breaking the hearts of every cashier he meets, with that smile of his that could melt the Antarctic! I don’t know how he does it? It’s like he has this unwritten super power that releases love and positivity to all he meets. Don’t get me wrong he can share all emotions, frustration, sadness, joy, anger… but he somehow comes out smiling and moves on, there is no room for grudges in Alfie’s world.    

Alfie has been surprising us since the day he was born, from his shock of white hair to the challenges and milestones he overcomes with a smile on his face and love in his heart. He has even learned sign language, a skill I thought impossible for a 3-year-old, until I met Super Alf. The sound of music makes his heart skip a beat, and bring out his infectious groovy moves. Even the grumpiest of souls cannot say ‘no’ to an invitation to dance from Alfie. He has opened our eyes to a new world that allows inclusion for all, and has spurred our family on to educate others and support people in all walks of life to ensure they can live their best life!  

He has opened up an inspiration and drive in me that I didn’t know existed. Alfie has inspired me to design pin badges to create awareness for Down Syndrome, so everyone can wear them proudly to show their support and raise money for Down Syndrome charities. He’s even got my creative juices flowing to write a fiction story entitled ‘The World in Full Colour’. A book full of magic and hope where the main character happens to have Down Syndrome.  

In the world of books, TV, and film, a main character with Down Syndrome is almost unheard of, but step by step with the help of charities and education we can change that. I hope to pave a better life for Alfie and all other people with Down Syndrome. My dream is that people with Down Syndrome are integrated into all avenues of life without question or judgement, and seeing them in such roles becomes as common place as different shades of hair colour. (Although my Alfie may still stand out slightly with his shock of white hair, but hey all Super Hero’s stand out for one reason or another).  


  1. Beverley Lawson

    Thank you so much for sharing your story! Your boys are delightful and Alfie is a superhero for sure. The world is slowly changing, so hopefully he will have lots of opportunities to be whoever he wants to be!

  2. Erika Petrie

    Thank you for your valued comment Beverley. Alfie is indeed a special little boy and with that winning smile that will one day conquer the world!


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