Maxine Simeone’s story

Maxine Simeone’s story

My sparkle life started with headbands. I’ve loved sparkles my whole life, especially disco balls and sapphires, my birthstone. Oh, and of course–diamonds!I’ve always worn headbands. But, one day, when I was about eight or nine years old, a gem fell off the headband I...
Trisomy 21 Success Story: Mila

Trisomy 21 Success Story: Mila

Mila’s Story This is Mila at 3 months of age; this picture was taken before open heart surgery. We posted this image on top of her hospital bed to remind us of how perfect she is and full of love despite her medical challenges. Mila is a blessing to our family; she is...
Raquel Caramello – her story

Raquel Caramello – her story

Raquel Caramello is 16 years old: a model, speaker, business owner, budding philanthropist and community advocate. She is the visionary and creator of her jewellery line. As the CEO and the designer and curator of her jewellery, Raquel chooses jewellery that will...