All about Samantha by Sandra Samways

All about Samantha by Sandra Samways

I feel like the luckiest person alive to have such a wonderful family that includes Samantha, and as its Down’s syndrome awareness month I decided to share some of our experiences with you all. Enjoy! First a little bac ground information about our family; Samantha is...
Seasons by Alison Morley

Seasons by Alison Morley

Hazel, Alison’s daughter Downright joy – Discovering joy in unexpected places – a journey into Down’s syndrome, Dyspraxia & Autism What’s that phrase…. the one when a writer gets stuck for words? You know, when they can’t put pen to paper or find...
Keaton’s story

Keaton’s story

Keaton was born with Down Syndrome. His mom, Paula, shares her perspective of raising a son with Down syndrome.  She describes how Keaton is happiest when he is making someone else happy by helping or serving.  Read more of his inspirational story below, the amazing...