by Erika Petrie | Jun 23, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Events
It has been an interesting year so far for Shades of Different, with lots happening in terms of moving forward: the end of March saw Shades of Different become a registered charity, officially approved by the charity commission and ready to launch ahead with plans for...
by Guest Writer | Jun 17, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Feel Good
It isn’t very often that my heart fills up with joy like it did today. At one o’clock, I was at the Evergreen State College sitting on the nostalgic bricks of the Red Square while I waited for the graduation ceremony to begin. As an alumni, I cherish being...
by Guest Writer | Jun 10, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Feel Good
Advocacy is thrilling, satisfying and greatly empowering, especially for me as a person with a disability. However, it can also be draining and frustrating at times. We, as a disability community are not only politically under-represented but also under-developed and...
by Erika Petrie | May 30, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Feel Good
My name is Chris Holden and I am from Cheshire United Kingdom, aged 38. I have been diagnosed with autism & bipolar disorder and have experienced online cyber-bullying first hand, through online social media, online trolling and vicious attacks via Whats App and...
by Guest Writer | May 3, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Feel Good
What’s your Super Power? I always say my son has been through more in his three short years than I have in my whole life, and yet he’s taught me more about life and myself in those three short years than I would have ever discovered on my own. When we initially...
by Guest Writer | Apr 29, 2022 | Articles, Current Affairs, Feel Good
My name is Joe Fautley and I’m an Autistic person who also has Dyspraxia and anxiety. Over many years, I have been involved in various projects which enable Autistic people to have a voice in decision making and make a positive impact on society. I’m passionate about...
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